Full Version: NASA SSB with Multimode
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Having got everyting working with my ST60 instruments I've now changed my boat and am faced with doing it all again with a set of ST50 instuments.

Not sure I will bother this time. Plugging in my Garmin handheld GPS to the IBook running GPSNavX does just as well.

Embarking on a longer cruise this year and am not convinced that spending north of £3000 on fully fitted send/receive SSB kit is good value.

However I am attracted to the NASA SSB receiver which will give me listening ability. This can also be plugged into the I-Book which will enable me to decode satellite images and weatherfaxes using "Multimode" software. Not too worried about SSB transmit capability.

Has anybody done this:?: Or are there other solutions I am not aware of:?:
Yes Multimode works well for weatherfax decoding with a SSB receiver.

What is MacGPS?
"What is MacGPS?"

Er.. A sequence of letters I typed. Must be something subconscious. Totally incorrect. My post above corrected.
