Full Version: Exporting a Route
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Can I work out a route on my desktop version of Mac ENC and then email it to myself, so that I can then use it with my MacBook Air?

Sure. Drag any route to your desktop and then attach it to an email and send.
As I do not (yet) have iNAVX, would you be able to do the same with an iTouch? I have picked up the Dual XGPS300 and it is working great with other GPS related s/w, so I may consider iNAVX as well.

Waypoints, routes,track can be transfered to/from iNavX on iPhone, iPod, iPad using X-Traverse..
Is there a document you can point me to that explains this proecedure. I just uploaded all of my routes to my account in x-traverse but i do not see any indication of how to now download them to my 2nd computer. Thanks!
Log on to the X-Traverse web site

Select Files

Select the download button for each route

Start MacENC

Select "Transfer" "From File..." on the "Routes" menu and select the route you wish to import