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I've set up a Twitter account and am tweeting new posts on on it.

Please subscribe to:

It's BETA at the moment, so please let me know of any issues / bugs.


I also post to Twitter ..

I post to Twitter too and concentrate on following people involved in boating.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:I post to Twitter too and concentrate on following people involved in boating.

Are you kidding me?????? How is this relevant, you didn't even give us the url?

You, sir, are a perfect example of modern commerce run amuck.
ActiveCaptain Wrote:I post to Twitter too and concentrate on following people involved in boating.
Sorry - I was on the road on my iPhone. I sort of thought it was an obvious twitter URL:
If you use NOAA marine charts, do recommend following:

Hello everybody i am new here its a owner for me that i am part of this forum this forum is very informative.
ReeferJon Wrote:I've set up a Twitter account and am tweeting new posts on on it.
It's a very good initiative! I join Wink