Full Version: Downloading marks from garmin 76
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I am brand-new to inavx for iPad g3. I have racing marks on a garmin 76. Is there a method for transferring other than re-entering? Or sailing to each mark and clicking "new waypoint"?
I believe you mean iPad 3G.

Yes you can transfer your waypoints to iNavX following these steps

1) I assume you are using a Mac. If so use the LoadMyTracks application to transfer your waypoints to your Mac. A GPX or KML file is fine ..

2) Create an account at X-Traverse ..

3) Transfer your GPX or KML file to X-Traverse using the OS X X-Traverse (drag & drop the the file in the X-Traverse application window) ..

4) Start iNavX on your iPad 3G

5) Open any chart

6) Select "Waypoints" tab

7) Select "Import/Export"

8) Select "Account" button and enter your X-Traverse account info

9) Select the KML or GPX file from the list of files

If you don't have a Mac then use some Windows software that can extract the waypoints from your Garmin into a GPX or KML file. You can then visit X-Traverse and upload the file directly to the X-Travere site and then jump to step 4 above.