Full Version: inavx keeps dropping tcp/ip
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I just downloaded inav X on iphone and I've been slaving the instruments from MacEnc operating in simulated mode. It will work for a few minutes after I manually enter the computers IP address in MacEnc and in inavx. But then the iphone loses the connection and the alarm goes off.

I return to the system preferences, and see that the IP address has changed. Re-enter the address and it works again... Is this because I'm plugged into the internet?

Any help would be appreciated,

Is this an AdHoc network you have created on your Mac, that iNavX is connecting to? Or just connecting to your existing network (i.e. wireless router like an Airport base station)?

I have not seen where the IP address of the NMEA server (MacENC on your Mac) would keep changing every few minutes and hence kill the client connection to iNavX on your device.