Full Version: Creating Routes in the "Routes" view
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1) Open a chart.
a) Select "Setup" and set "Pos.Icon Loc." to "None" so the chart will not attempt to scroll back to your position.

2) Select "Routes". Note: "Routes" in on the "Waypoints" tab on iPhone/iPod, otherwise iPad has it's own tab.

3) Select "+" to create a new route or select an existing route.

4) Tap the "+" button to add the first waypoint to the route.

5) Select the Waypoint from the list.

6) Select the "+" button to add a second waypoint to the route.

7) Select the Waypoint from the list.

8) Select the green "+" button to add the next waypoint to the route.

9) Select the green "(+)" button next to the waypoint you want to add another waypoint after.

10) Select the Waypoint from the list.

11) Repeat steps 8..10 for each waypoint in the route.

If a waypoint needs to be removed, reordered, or inserted in the route, select "Edit" button. Change as needed then select "Done" button.

Creating Routes on the Chart