Full Version: Otterbox iPad cases
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They're not waterproof yet. I'll stick with my ziplock plastic bag for the time being!
yeah, I don't think they will ever be waterproof....I know they discontinued the waterproof version of the iPhone case.

In terms of just physical protection, I think they'll fit the bill, tho.

I haven't seen much buzz on the Golden Shellback system recently, I wonder if that might be the way to go?
A waterproof case for on iPhone or an iPad is a Catch 22. Anything thicker than a Ziplock Freezer bag is likely to seriously impair the sound input and output functionality.

In a conversation with Otterbox tech support, they seem to be well aware of that limitation. They have no plans to revive their waterproof box for the iPhone, or to offer one for the iPad in the near future.

Things change. Try to cope.
Why not the german one by Andres Industries ?