Full Version: Routes via tcp/ip
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In the lates version released today, what does "Support for Routes from NMEA via TCP/IP" mean? Couldn't find reference to in in the help or on the board, or in the app itself.

This means if the NMEA stream (i.e. from a GPS) includes, the $GPRTE and $GPBOD sentences AND "Enable Waypoints" is checked in the TCP/IP setup, iNavX will import and navigate to the active route.

Covered in the iNavX help ..

Screen shot ..
Well, I looked under 'Routes' and anything that appeared to involve 'import' but didn't look in 'Instruments'. I'll have to play with it a bit to understand this functionality.

Routes from NMEA is new, but Waypoints from NMEA has been in iNavX since the beginning. So it's just extending that functionality.