Full Version: GPS + Charts on a PDA?
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Is anyone here running a PDA which has a GPS receiver and can use the Maptech or other charts? I'd be interested in advice, comments or pointers from anyone with experience doing this. As near as I can tell, it's a Windoze world for such devices (Ipaq, Dell Axim, Navman, etc.).
I have tried the Sharp Zaurus SL 5000 D which runs under Linux and did test it with with zNav and zGPS. zNav allows Maptech charts to be used.
As GPS I do have a SysOnChip GPS CF plus Compact Flash card.
This workd great but the battery on that Zaurus doesn't last very long.

Another possibility would be VNC as a server on your Mac with GPSNavX/MacENC and VNC client on the Zaurus. Connected via wireless over a WiFi CF card (I do have the SanDisk WiFi CF card in my Zaurus)

There are better and faster Zaurus models available which do have a great display with 640x480 pixles with a true illuminated keyboard and power supply via batterie last really longer.
Though I haven't tried one of these.