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Just installed Xgate on my MBPRO and trying to set up at best.
The system seems slow due to unknown app or software or system eating band-wide. I run little snitch monitor to see activity and the only one I find is from mdnsresponder. After a search in internet i found how to stop it but then it stops all internet access (including Xgate) }Sad so I put it back.
Any idea on where ever else I can look to just stop all internet access?
Recommend you contact the company that produces XGate..
Little Snitch only looks at network access. What you need to do is run Activity Monitor, or run Terminal and type 'top' to see what's running on the Macbook Pro.

mdsnresponder is part of Bonjour and yes you do need it running, but it's not a very active process (mostly listens). Sounds to me your problem is elsewhere.