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Is there an app I've missed that provides access to the noaa marine weather forecasts? On my Mac I've used the Weatherunderground's website graphical access to that data, but their website crashes Safari on the ipad. I've found no alternative short of going directly to noaa's less user friendly website.

You can try MarineCast, which offers up lots of info, but not in the most user-friendly format.
Thanks. Actually the Sailflow website that Marinecast sources from appears fairly useful on the ipad, and is free. Only downside here in the PNW is it doesn't include the Environment Canada forecasts, which i find particularly useful in the San Juans and Juan de Fuca. Other than that it has more U.S. data than Weatherunderground (primarily access to different model output) but not quite as user friendly. Biggest thing, though, is Sailflow works on the ipad where Weatherunderground crashes.
