Full Version: How to rotate chart in MacENC?
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I must have overlooked this obviously,
but how can I rotate chart (either vector or raster)
while viewing it at home (w/o GPS heading data present)

Many thanks,
I have tried one more thing: Enabled GPS simulation,
and hoped that View -> Course Up will work, but it greyed
Also tried to change change map scale and enable/disable raster maps.

Is tilting monitor arm my only option? :-)
Only iNavX allow course up feature. MacENC doesn't.
MacENC supports Course Up chart rotation for Raster and S-57/S-63 ENC charts. You can use the "GPS Simulator", but make sure you select a speed of 1/2 knot or faster.
Picture is worth 1000 words. (Attached)

1) MacENC 8.3
2) Loaded set of BSB maps 18652 (SF Bay to Antioch Bay)
3) Configured GPS simulator with speed 6.3 knots


"Course up" is still "greyed out"

Also, back to my original question, the reason why
I wanted to rotate charts is because some of the raster
maps I am going to use are not oriented with North Up,
so route planning with those charts displayed "North Up" will show all labels at awkward angles
Try zooming into 1:50K or larger. That zoom limitation is back to the old slower PPC Mac days. I shall eliminate it for the next MacENC release.
I also have that problem: no course up allowed with raster (more than 1:50000 scale) and Navionics (the one I use overall) that is the reason I never had seen the use of course up Blush
Is there a chance to have course up with Navionics?
GPSNavX Wrote:Try zooming into 1:50K or larger. That zoom limitation is back to the old slower PPC Mac days. I shall eliminate it for the next MacENC release

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!