Full Version: How to buy GPSNavX version 6
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I had a hard time updating to OS 10.6.6,
a prerequisite for GPSNav X version 6,
so after I succeeded I really want to get
version 6 of GPSNavX.
For all I can see, however, only version 5.5 is offered in the Apple store. Can someone help me with this? Thanks, Christian
GPSNavX v6 is in the Mac app store ..

Sounds to me like you are instead looking at this older link ..
Thank you, but.....

Sorry, but I cannot figure out how to download it.
All I get is another page.
Finally I pressed travel and was happy to see the
item there. Clicking on it I was sent back to the same page again. I have tried to click everywhere.
If you cannot get the Apple Mac App store to work then purchase GPSNavX from Kagi ..