Having a "scorched earth" mentality when sailing offshore, I would like to have a "hard" copy of a Routes waypoints. I can print the Lat/Lon for each waypoint, but not the Bearing and Distances. Any thoughts on how this might be done.
One thing that can be done easily is to transfer a selected Route into a KML file. This file can then be opened in Google Earth to view/print.
thoughts are most appreciated, but, seems like GE prints out the route map & WP location. I would like to have just a sheet listing: of the Lat/lon, WP, Range and Bearing. Of course, I may be missing something in GE. application that might allow me to do that.
PS. You may be one of the few folks that have used a sextant!
If you can import your route waypoint list into a spreadsheet, then you can add two extra columns to calculate the range and bearing between waypoints.
Or you can simply take a screen shot of the route dialog in MacENC and print it if there are not too many waypoints in the route.
You are right about that - I can import into Mac Numbers or Excell, but they will only show WP and Lat/Lon. I still have to copy in each Bearing and Distance. Just time consuming!
thank you,
missed your screenshot comments - that might do it..
P.S. There are formulae to automatically calculate the range and bearings that can be used in the spreadsheet.
Will you share the formulae to calculate distances and bearings in a spreadsheet?
For short distances between 60ºN and 60ºS:-
The distance run between 2 waypoints is roughly equal to the square root of (the difference in Latitudes squared plus (the difference in Longitudes times the departure at mid Latitude) squared);
D=sqrt((L2-L1)^2 + ((Lo2-Lo1)*cos(L1+(L2-L1)/2))^2)
The course is approximately equal to the angle whose sine is (the difference of Latitudes divided by the distance run)).
c=asin((L2-L1)/ D )
The course © must be corrected for quadrant and the latitudes and longitudes must be in the same hemisphere.
For great circle computations:-
D=60*acos((sinL1 * sin L2) + (cosL1 x cosL2 x cos t)]
C=asin[(cosL2 * sin t)/(sin D)]
For details and limits, please refer to
Dutton's Navigation and Piloting, page 661 paragraph 2914, "The Sailings"
The first formula for short distance above needs to be corrected if Latitudes and Longitudes are in degrees:
D=60*sqrt((L2-L1)^2 + ((Lo2-Lo1)*cos(L1±(L2-L1)/2))^2)
and the second formula corrected for degrees instead of radians: