Full Version: iNavx on iPad with external GPS?
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I intend to buy iNavx but before I'd like to be sure that it will work on my iPad (which is a WiFi only, not 3G with integrated GPS) with an external GPS via Bluetooth with BTstack (or RoqyBT).
Has anyone tried iNavx in this context?
Thanks in advance
Never tried that one. See this thread for BT GPS that have been confirmed to work with iNavX ..
I had read this thread.

I already have a bluetooth GPS (a Royaltek one) that I use with a PDA, a PC or a Mac.
I made it work on the iPad with other navigation apps (Navigon, MotionX-GPS), so I assume it would work with iNavx.

But I'd like to be sure.
Too bad there is not a way to try before buy...
If it works with those other apps, no reason it won't work with iNavX as all those apps use the iOS "Location Services".