Great, thanks for the note!
I'll post this link on a blog as well.
Too bad they don't provide all charts in a single archive for a more convenient download.
The one swipe thing is huge. A couple of years ago when Brasil first made rasters available I got them all in one swipe (or click) but now one has to navigate the list one at a time and in Portuguese at that, ouch!
On my recent Brasil-Trinidad delivery I did not research and update my netbook charts from that old download, but I did have recent light list and did nav-aid checks when appropriate.
In addition I subscribed to x-travese for iNavX and then got a several year lease on iPhone version of charts for all of South America for about $15, amazing. South America chart plotter in my pocket.
One iNavX complaint is lack of x-traverse GRIB downloads for South Atlantic Region, I had to use my net book for that. One of my favorite GRIB progs is ZYGrib (multi platform form France) but I will be looking closely at using Polar more especially now that it is supporting three different GRIB models, hooray!
iNavX uses SailDocs and supports GFS and COAMPS models. I know of no limitation of GRIB coverage, but please post iNavX concerns/questions in the iNavX forum. Include a lat/lon and GRIB type.

I suspect that charts from XTraverse won't be particularly useful to PolarView users.