Full Version: iNavX GRIB AREA parameter ?
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I do not understand the 'AREA' GRIB parameter in iNavX Forecast.

The options are 20 , 30 , 40 degrees.
The documentation does not address this.
I am used to specifying a rectangle of interest by giving two sets of bounding values for lat and long.

I have been under the mistaken impression that the GFS GRIBS were limited to three specified regions but I now realize that this was my misreading of the documentation. The documentation has GFS and COAMPS information sort of mashed up in the same paragraph and the limitation only applies to COAMPS, but I misread it.

My laptop based solutions on XP and OSX are: airmail, ugrib, zygrib, and grib-view.
Yes you can specify how large an area you want the GRIB data to cover using the center of the Chart view as the origin. In general each degree is about 60 NM. iNavX will revert to GFS if COAMPS is not available for the selected Wind Model.

Improved documentation:
Thanks for quick response. It makes sense now. Glad to hear the docs will get updated.