Full Version: Navionics Chart Installer
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Navionics now has an online store. I bought the Chart Viewer and one chart (required) for 29 euros. The chart viewer is primitive and runs on only one machine (the one you downloaded to). You cannot connect a GPS or do anything but planning.

The Installer also has an option to update data on CF cards using the Navionics Card Reader. My version could not recognize my Card Reader on a newish Mac Mini. I am also running a Parallels VM with Windows 7. The Windows Chart Installer couldn't recognize the Card Reader either.

I wrote to Navionics.

BTW, Navionics chart 35 (Japan& Korea, they say) actually covers the S China Sea (Taiwan, the Phils, VietNam, S China & N. Borneo) also.
I tried the Navionics chart viewer once on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), it crashed so often. I gave up.
It hasn't crashed yet for me.