Full Version: MacENC can't open MiniPlex-2USBBT-ATSerial
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New to this software and to Macs so I expect I've missed something basic. However, I've the latest version of the above multiplexer and it connects fine to Miniplex2 software on my MacBook Pro via bluetooth and I can see info from an AIS and a Garmin GPS plotter and depth sounder on the screen within MiniPlex2. The presence of the necessary serial port is noted in the ports drop down list in the MacENC GPS connection settings menu but it can't connect.

Any ideas please?


Realize you must first quit the Miniplex2 app before the [bluetooth] serial port will be available for MacENC to use it.
Thanks, I'll give it a go.


I was aware of this, but curious to know if there is anyway of sharing the port - I use the shipmodul USB multiplexer and Mac ENC, but would like to be able to share the USB port between applications on the Mac, so I can use the instruments on a separate screen. Is this possible ?
@take five,

PolarCom works well with MacENC but not by sharing the Shipmodul port. Instead, choose TCP/IP from the GPS menu in MacENC and enable Server GPS and Instuments. In PolarCom, configure (control-click) a Net Client port using the same Host and port addresses as MacENC.
You can also use the free Miniplex tool to be the NMEA server and both MacENC and PolarCom can be clients. Also iNavX on iPad/iPhone/iPod can be a client.