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Is there a way to draw a shaded region between 4 waypoints in GPSNavX? I know you can draw a line with the Annotation tool, but this does not produce a very straight line. Something like this:

[Image: closure.jpg]
The annotation tool could become a complete drawing app

- Shaded regions
- Lines & Circles in dashed, sold, dotted any color
- Text

The original idea of the annotation tool was to quickly highlight an area of interest on the chart.

improvements to annotation will be considered for future releases.
I would dearly love to see the annotation tool expanded into a more complete drawing tool. I have had the same problem of wanting to draw a colored region and the annotation tool seems like the natural one, but for the problem shown above, that of a polygon with straight sides, there is another solution. You can make a route that includes your corners as waypoints, and the route will stay visible on your charts. It's not perfect, but it works fine if you are making straight lines. The ability to draw circles of a defined center and radius would be very handy too.
GPSNavX: Great.

fish2live: Good tip, I'll use the route for now.