April 28, 2005 05:39
I have installed two AIS receivers on different boats using Macs and GPSNavX.
A friend , who is a PC Nobeltec user, saw the AIS picture on my Mac and wanted me to install a receiver on her boat. Time was short as they were heading for an Alaska cruise. We looked her copy of Nobeltec over to find the help files for AIS. Not finding any, she called tech support. The person there told her that if the program had it, it would be mentioned in the help files... As time was short she made the decision to go ahead and order the unit (they come from England and take some time). Knowing that Nobeltec supported AIS I ordered up another unit.
My friend's son works for Nobeltec so I gave him a call. unfortunately, he wasn't able to get back to me until after the order. "Yes , we do support AIS, but you must have the Admiral version." OK... how much is that upgrade..." it's $1200.
Wow... needless to say, when my friend heard that, that was the end of AIS.
When I talked to her last, she was considering a Mac Mini and GPSNavX.
A friend , who is a PC Nobeltec user, saw the AIS picture on my Mac and wanted me to install a receiver on her boat. Time was short as they were heading for an Alaska cruise. We looked her copy of Nobeltec over to find the help files for AIS. Not finding any, she called tech support. The person there told her that if the program had it, it would be mentioned in the help files... As time was short she made the decision to go ahead and order the unit (they come from England and take some time). Knowing that Nobeltec supported AIS I ordered up another unit.
My friend's son works for Nobeltec so I gave him a call. unfortunately, he wasn't able to get back to me until after the order. "Yes , we do support AIS, but you must have the Admiral version." OK... how much is that upgrade..." it's $1200.
Wow... needless to say, when my friend heard that, that was the end of AIS.
When I talked to her last, she was considering a Mac Mini and GPSNavX.