Full Version: Spontaneous reset to World Chart
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Sometimes, spontaneously, iNAVX closes the active chart and displays the World Chart. I can quickly navigate back to the current chart, but it is annoying to have to do that. GPS signal, NMEA data, are still all streaming in properly.

Any ideas why this happens? It averages about once every two hours. There doesn't to seem to be any pattern as to why/when it happens.
If you have "Pos.icon.Loc." set to "Ctr" or "Offset", iNavX will automatically load/display the next NOAA raster chart as your iDevice position changes. So my guess is there is something in the NMEA stream being provided to iNavX that is giving an erroneous lat/lon and as such iNavX believes you have navigated off the current NOAA chart and it finds the only chart with the erroneous position is the world chart.

Makes sense. Sometimes my recorded track has outligher waypoints that I need to delete. I receive my nav data from the CE data server