Full Version: INAVX and Navionics
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I wish to buy either INavX or Navionics for my IPad and I read a lot about both programs as well as comparrisons.

However I could not find out whether the below three facts are correct or not

1-Navionics does not have an anchor alarm but INavX does.
2-I can not add my own text on the charts for the places I visit (such as my own info on the bays I anchor, the marinas I visit, my favourite restaurant in a specific location on the chart and e.t.c) in INavX but I can do that with Navionics
3- Navioncs shows more detailed info on the chart items

Can someone please help me and tell me whether the above are correct or not. I currently use Memory Map with my windows phone and it has both anchor alarm and the text feature and I use both features alot.
