Full Version: Navtex client for OSX
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Where is it possible to find an OSX Navtex client ?

Check Multimode OS X version 5.6+ it can receive NAVTEX data


Or if you've got a PC-based RS232 Navtex aerial (like the Nasa PC Navtex receiver), then you'll need a generic serial terminal application.

I use goSerial from
ReeferJon Wrote:Or if you've got a PC-based RS232 Navtex aerial (like the Nasa PC Navtex receiver), then you'll need a generic serial terminal application.

I use goSerial from

Thank you very much for the advice and the sources.
I come back on a three weeks cruise between French Riviera and Corsica and my S15-N NAVTEX receiver from SILVA (only 78 euros) works very well with goSerial ans a KEYSPAN adapter.

Try Cocoa Modem

This is a TNC if you are a Ham, but it's author Kok Chen has very kindly added Wefax and Navtex decoding. The wefax crashes from time to time but the navtex should be pretty stable. Please refer questions about it to me instead of to him as much as possible. He's been a great help in getting it working but Navtex is not the love of his life. You will need a sound input for your mac, so if you have an ibook lilke me you will need to buy something. I use the Griffin iMic.