Full Version: Garmin 10 Bluetooth GPS problems...NOT with GpsNavX!
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Actually 2 questions...

First, I purchased a Garmin 10 Bluetooth GPS receiver in the hopes that I could use My Powerbook G4 AND my Palm Treo700p with the same receiver. No problems on the Mac side...(OUTSTANDING program and development, BTW!!!) The "Que" software is almost useless on the Palm, however, working exactly 3.67% of the time...':roll:' Crashes, freezes, dropped BT connections, unable to connect, etc.... Finally killed the whole device requiring a hard reset.... Anyone else have similar problems and have any solutions/alternatives?

Second, and more appropriate for this discussion. GPSNavX does beautifully with Marine charts, but how about options for mapping to us land-locked folks? I really can't find great importable terrestrial maps. It just grabs my receiver and puts my little happy little triangle right in the giant blank space between Maine and the Pacific. Garmin's maps don't seem to be an option....
Yes GPSNavX is compatible with any Bluetooth GPS.

GPSNavX will work with the Aeroplanner Smart charts here..
I'm more asking about any better solutions for the Palm side. GPSNavX is working great..

Also, the AeroPlanner is fine for Aviation, but I'm looking for Topog/terrestrial type maps that I can open with GPSNavX.