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I love the GRIB functions in MacEnc, but was wondering if any thought had been put into allowing use of the GRIB wave files? It would be nice to see significant wave height and period along with those arrows. The files are available from NOAA and I know some other programs for other platforms make use of them. Any chance there will be an upgrade in the future?

Yes support for waves will be added. There are many types of waves..
(So if you can send me the link to the NOAA ones I can make sure I support the right waves)

101 Direction of wind waves deg. true
102 Significant height of wind waves m
103 Mean period of wind waves s
104 Direction of swell waves deg. true
105 Significant height of swell waves m
106 Mean period of swell waves s
107 Primary wave direction deg. true
108 Primary wave mean period s
109 Secondary wave direction deg. true
110 Secondary wave mean period s
111 Net short-wave radiation (surface) W/m2
112 Net long wave radiation (surface) W/m2
113 Net short-wave radiation (top of atmos.) W/m2
114 Net long wave radiation (top of atmos.) W/m2
115 Long wave radiation W/m2
116 Short wave radiation W/m2