Full Version: CrossOver Mac to run Windows SW on Intel based Macs
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I sure would like to hear any and all success stories of using CrossOver Mac on Intel based Macs with any of the windows only navigation related software. We may not have to wait for Garmin after all.....(grin).....

Saw this on MacMap..

I communicated with the CrossOver folks the other day, and the news
is not good vis-a-vis Garmin. They tried to install Garmin on their
Linux-based systems but no luck. Therefore, they feel they will have
no luck with CrossOver on the mac vis=a-vis Garmin.

Apparently, Garmin will not work with CrossOver to resolve the
problem. CrossOver wanted the MacMap group to "lobby" Garmin to aid
CrossOver to build a system that would work with Garmin software and
hardware. Hah! I told them that this approach had about as much
chance as a snowball in hell <:-|

I have no desire to run Windows apps on my Mac.
I can understand not using M$ on a mac, but being at the lower economic end of yachting, I need to run the software I've got, rather than spending money for uses other than mylar kevlar and spectra. (and motors windlasses and winches!)
I've posted my first post on USB issues. I'm finding VMWare to be great; all my old naviguessing software works...apart from the bloody USB connection to Garmin!