Full Version: Problem getting data to iNavX from MacENC
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Hi! I am having difficulty getting iNavX on my iPhone to received the NMEA data stream from MacENC.

It used to work fine. But since i got an iPad (2012) I cannot get the data stream. I am not certain it is connected with the iPad, but it was about that time I noted it had stopped working.

The iPad receives the data stream fine. The iPhone connects, and immediately says 'Connected' but no green data (or any other colour) shows up, and eventually the link disconnects. I have tried it without the iPad connected, in case there is a problem with two listeners, but that makes no difference. I have compared the two 'TCP/IP NMEA Client' windows side-by-side and can see no difference - the same Host TCP/IP address (, the same Port (2114) and all the other settings the same (other than the iPad-only ones missing from the iPhone, of course).

Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome.

If you are are creating an AdHoc network on your Mac, then the number of clients you can have is one. If you have a dedicated router aboard then there is not such a limit.

I suspect the problem lies not with the iNavX configuration, but your iPhone's connection to your network.
I have having real difficulty getting this working again with an an hoc network created by my MacBook.

I have gone back to connecting via a router at home. I have had various problems, having just installed a new router, but this is now working. However, I cannot even get MacENC to display a TCP address. I need to get the process clear (and best captured in a AppleScript so it works when I am in a hurry). Is there a step-by-step guide on setting up the ad hoc network and getting MacENC and iNavX configured and talking?

I need to sort this out soon as we are off cruising for four months shortly. May be the fasted solution would be an iChat link-up Rich? Help would really be appreciated - thanks.
For quickest support always email macenc at mac dot com for MacENC questions or iNavX at me dot com for iNavX questions. Using this forum will result in a much slower response.
This now solved. It seems that it is necessary to turn off mobile data so that the iPhone uses the ad hoc WiFi network. iOS seems to choose which network connection to use in the following priority order:

Router based WiFi > Mobile data > ad hoc WiFi

So, if you have mobile data on, iOS will look for MacENC on that, rather than an ad hoc WiFI network. This must have changed in a recent update to iOS, because I did not need to switch off last season.