Full Version: GPSNavX and Garmin 3205 - Route Load Crashes Program
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I recently purchased the Keyspan USA-19HS adapter so that I can connect GPSNavX to my Garmin 3205. I can connect my MacBook Pro (OS 10.7.4) to the GPS and I can read position information. I can even load waypoints into the GPS. But when I load a route, GPSNavX crashes.

I have tried...
1. I saw the post about using the beta driver on Tripp Lite's site for OS 10.7. No difference.

2. I have tried the setup using both the Garmin mode and Other mode in GPSNavX. In Garmin mode, I get to the screen where it asks you for the route number. After that, I see the software report that it is connecting to a Garmin 3205, then it crashes. In Other mode, it says the upload completes. On the GPS, I see the waypoint for the route, but no route.

3. I have cleared out all of the previous routes/waypoints out of my GPS. No difference.

4. I have tried NMEA In/NMEA Out and NMEA High Speed modes on the GPS. No difference.

5. I have looked at the NMEA Setup menu on the GPS and enabled all of the NMEA command options. No difference.

The only other thing I noticed is that the firmware of my device is version 2.5. I see that the latest version is 3.7. That would be my next step to see if that helps.

Does anyone have any other suggestions of things I should try? Thanks!

Always helpful if you copy/paste and email the crash log to gpsnavx at mac dot com.