Full Version: SailTimer Wind Vane with iNavX
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The SailTimer tacking calculations have been used in MacENC since 2006. To allow the optimal tacks to be updated as the wind changes, SailTimer Inc. has now produced a new wireless, solar-powered Wind Vane.

The SailTimer Wind Vane is unique in sending wind speed and direction by wifi to an iPad/iPhone/iPod. The wind data is sent in industry-standard NMEA format. Special arrangements have been made so that even before the Wind Vanes were out of the factory, the set-up procedure has been included in the iNavX User's Guide.

Although ordering is not officially announced on yet, there are advance units in stock that can be ordered online here by iNavX users.

Because it is wireless, there are no wires to run down the mast or through the boat, which makes it easy to install. It also comes with a U-bolt that allows easy attachment to a stanchion or stern rail, until the masthead is accessible. The vane is solar-powered, so you just attach it to the stanchion or mast and it's ready to use.