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Just came through an unexpectidly feroucious gale, where everything above and below deck that was not well secured ended up somewhere else. My Mac was fortunately in a padded neoprene 'glove', secure in a locker, but it left me wondering how people do secure there laptops onboard in a 'usable' arrangement. The obvious one, one of those laptop tie-down brackets I've seen attached to the chart table, doesn't work for me as my chart table is right under the companionway and way too often tends to get wet.

Look at the web page <>

Then in particular look at the page


They also have regional web pages, for example


I have a swivel mount which allows viewing through a lucite hatchboard and from below.

My new MacBook has surprising "stick" ability. Even so, I'm looking at various ways to secure it to the Nav station while underway. I just picked up a couple of small (1.75") suction cups that have a small wire hook attached to the top. These little babies really stick. I'm thinking of making up a small piece of 1/2" webbing with a grommet at each end. Hook the grommets with the suction cups, stretch it across a safe place on the keyboard and suck those babies down. Haven't tried it yet, but it should work in everything but a roll over.