Full Version: PassagePlus 1.3 released
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Dear All

I haven't posted here for a while. Thought I should let you know I've just released Version 1.3 of PassagePlus. It's available for download via

The two main new features since v 1.1 are: (1) The 'Related Charts' panel allows one-click access to other charts that intersect your current position. The panel shows thumbnails of each such chart and is continually updated as the boat moves. Clicking a thumbnail opens that chart. (2) If you have entered tidal diamond data, tidal vectors are shown on the chart indicating the tide rate and direction at each diamond. The display is updated each minute. Also, automatic tide calculations using the tidal diamond data are now available for dead reckoning and estimated position functions (previously only available for course-to-steer). And you can set an artificial time so you can see the impact of tides at some point in the future (or the past if you want).

This screenshot gives an idea of both features:

[Image: RecentFeatures13PartScreen.png]

A number of more minor improvements have also been made and several bugs fixed. Specifics are in the Version History file.

I continue to work on other potential improvements. In the meantime, constructive feedback is welcome, as always.
