I'm having some difficulty getting this thing up and running. I've got a couple of instruments working together on the listerner ports, but it doesn't seem to be outputing anything to the talker port. I hook up an Epirb or VHF radio or .... anything to that port and I get nothing. Is there someway I can test that port with a multimeter to determine if there's anything there? Anybody else have any problems with this thing? Looks simple enough .....
The only way you can get something to the output port on the Miniplex lite is to have GPSNavX or MacENC repeat to it. The Miniplex lite does not operate as a hub. It only operates as a server. This means your Mac must be sending NMEA data to it. MacENC and GPSNavX can do this via the repeat port.
So whatever comes into the GPS Panel port will be sent to the repeat port (assuming one is selected). If you check "autopilot only" then only those NMEA sentences for the activated (i.e. Goto button) will be sent the the repeat port.