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The next versions of GPSNavX and MacENC will allow exporting tracks and waypoints to KML files which can be imported by Google Earth.
Route-Blue, Track-Yellow
[Image: screengoogle.jpg]
Bravo! Absolutely cool!!!
Great. thx.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:36 pm Post subject:

For your next incremental upgrade can we expect something like:

Software edvelopment is a wondereful charriot race....hooray for Rich being so very competetive, and so very successful.....(grin)....
Hi there, I am in New Zealand and have just tried the Google Earth integration. When I try to load the kml file generated from my planned route I get this error ...

Open of file "/Users/Kim/Coastal Classic 06" failed: Parse error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line: 96, column: 18

Do I need Google Earth Pro to load this data?

Many thanks
Make sure your route has no waypoints with names that contain & < > characters. Once you do that, export the route again and it should open fine in Google Earth (free or pro version).

This limitation will be removed from future versions of GPSNavX.
Thanks very much for the quick response, I'm off racing in half an hour ... I've looked through my waypoints list and removed any 'extra' characters but still the same result ... here is my complete list, is there anything obvious in these?

Westhaven Startline,S36.49.910,E174.45.018,
Oraki N 8 buoy,S36.50.337,E174.48.216,
North Head,S36.49.856,E174.49.373,
Rangitoto Beacon,S36.46.892,E174.49.226,0.1 SW off beacon
Kawau Is S,S36.27.462,E174.52.679,30mtr South Kawau pt
Nelson Rk,S36.26.245,E174.53.284, Nelson Rk 2.9 mtrs
Coppermine Is E,S35.53.210,E174.48.173,Hen & Chicks E rounding
WP9810, S35.10.119,E174.20.193, Cape Brett Passage center
Whale Rk,S35.11.405,E174.12.003, Whale Rk BOI
Russell Entrance,S35.14.202,E174.06.708,Entrance to Russell BOI

Thanks again
Quote:Coppermine Is E,S35.53.210,E174.48.173,Hen & Chicks E rounding
This line has an & in its description. Remove and it will work.
Isn't it funny how you can look at something a thousand times and still not see it? ... thanks very much for your help ... this is seriously cool-!!
Next version of MacENC will support exporting GRIB files to Google Earth.
Preliminary screenshot of surface pressure and wind GRIB exported to Google Earth...

[Image: screengoogle2.jpg]
Google Maps now supports KML overlays. What this means you can paste in a URL to a Google KML file. For example paste this URL into the "Search the Map field"..
I am very exited to see this screenshot from a GRIB to KML.
Can I download a KML example somewhere? I would like to see if they can be loaded in Google Maps.
I just have to say, thanks for a great product. I swore I was gonna keep tech off my boat since I do it for a living, but MacENC changed my mind. It's simple enough that it doesn't seem like work. Big Grin
In addition to exporting waypoints, routes, tracks, GRIB weather to Google Earth one can [control] click on the chart and select "Google Earth" to have Google Earth open to the clicked location.

If you find this does not work do the following..

Make sure Google Earth is installed in the Applications folder
Create a home / Library / Caches / GPSNavX folder