Full Version: Problems with wifi
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I use ipad2 with InavX and receive AIS wirelessly to the ipad via Digiyacht ZDIGIAS.

If I try to connect to the TCP/IP client from my iPhone it rejects the request until I disconnect from the ipad which is somewhat unhelpful. In addition connection ti the TCP/IP client over rides the 3G signal and effectively blocks Internet use.

1. How do I enable the TCP/IP client to connect to ipad and iPhone at same time?
Help please Smile
2. How can I still access Internet and 3G navigation when connected to the TCP/IP client?
Your wifi router probably only allows one device receiving at a time.

Mine will only allow one. Annoying.
Contact DigitalYacht, they will tell you how you can put the unit into UDP mode. UDP allows multiple connections.
i just changed all my settings to UDP and I can now run application simultaneously on ipad and iPhone. Many thanks Smile

Quote: In addition connection ti the TCP/IP client over rides the 3G signal and effectively blocks Internet use.

You can only connect to 1 source at a time & wifi is used preferentially - you won't be able to use the native 3G on the ipad at the same time.

Either switch between the two (disable the ipad wifi) or if simultaneous access is a must then you need to get a separate wifi router with a 3G sim. Check first that your current nmea wifi server can join a different network (but most can).
