Full Version: How to show current System Time on screen
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I have set SYT(System Time) ON. But I can't find it on the screen, like some other GPS device. On other hand, I can see the UTC(Universal Time Code) when I set it ON. But it stay at the time of display. How can I get the dynamic time on screen. I need it when I take the snapshot of the screen showing the time I reach a way point.
The iOS system time is shown on the iPhone/iPad status bar at the top of the screen regardless of what you are doing with your iPhone/iPad. If you email the screen shot photo from the Photo app, the captured system time will be included in the screen shot photo.
But the time shown on the iPad is HH:MM, not in seconds.
SYT: will be displayed when iNavX is interfaced to a NMEA 2K multiplexer such as the SeaSmart. I will add it for the case when only "Location Services" is used.
I see. Is there any other way to include the current time in second on the screen. Thanks.
Very good, I can see the instant System Time in the new version.