Full Version: ENC meets Google Earth
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This is a cross posting from the Destinsharks forum

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Re: Looks interesting
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2006, 06:03:10 AM »
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Great job ! Congratulations.

To be true I had the same idea of development. But unfortunately in Europe the access to ENC is not free. Hydrographic services have chosen to sell ENC with an encrypted S57 format (S63+).

That's the reason why we have prefered to develop some webmapping services (GeoGarage) for hosting and sharing high resolution raster charts or orthophotos in Google Maps and Google Earth. See marine applications for GM and GE :

What will be the next step : having objects (buoys, lights...) in 3D with SketchUp ?

Best regards.

Peio Elissalde
Magic Instinct Software
adjuvantjfoster Wrote:This is a cross posting from the Destinsharks forum

Wow I'm impressed! Never knew that all these data are available for Google Earth.

Now one just whould need tide streams and currents with overlayed wind data and one could calculate the idela routing :-) I know MacENC will have this function soon (but still without the tide currents option)

If one would have ADSL speed for free anywhere on the planet including seas, one could just use Google Earth as navigation prog!

But the way it is now one can very well use all this data in the above page to plan a longer trip.


Thx for the link.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
