Full Version: German site with worldwide weathermaps and infos
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The German weather site shows weather maps from around the world provided by many weather systems (US army, airforce, UK, NL, JP, DE, FR etc. weather systems...)

I often use the Topkarten link with GFS (Global Forecast System) maps.
They show every infos you need (500, 750, 850 hPa; wind force and speed, temperature at 2m height, waves height etc) from 0 hours up to 384 hours forecast with an interval of 6 hours.
There are about 16 different info maps available from GFS, plus some panels which show several maps at once.


There's even an animated screen which shows you 4 selected maps out of the 16 from 0 to 180+ hours.

Unfortunately the anims need a fast internet connection, because loading these data via mobile phone is too expensive.

Though the site is in German I think one could easily understand the abbreviations and all maps are in color!

To use these maps when I'm sailing, I just do save some maps at home on my computer and do hotlink the URL addresses.
This way I only need do download the appropriate map and don't need to load the complete homepage.

Look at these examples and you know what I mean.

this shows the 500hPa map With Rtavn being the name of the map (Europe) and 06 = 6 hours, 1= first map from the panel

This shows 850 hPa and Temp. for the same region and time

This shows the rain in mm for the same region and time

This shows the temp (°C) in 2m height for the same region and time

This shows the wind direction and strength for the middle EU but the same time
