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I've got a converted salmon troller. My view to the rear is pretty poor. I've seen rear view camera systems for RVs. I was wondering if anyone here has set up a camera that can use a MacBook, rather than a dedicated monitor.

One feature these systems have is a reverse view. This puts the port side view on the port side of the screen, stbd side on stbd side. I'd be interested in having this available.
Well, it looks like nobody has any experience with rear view cameras. However, in another post, I think I got my answer.

I'm now asking if this makes sense. I give up trying to use my MacBook as the monitor. I use a Lilliput 7 inch LCD montor ( with a RV camera?

As software use Macam and KeyCamX
The latter can save video records and give alarms if movement occurs. Probably interesting if another boat shows up.

Check for infos on both progs.

Still looking...

Anyone know of a way of viewing a backup camera on a Mac??

I've noticed that several navigation suites now have built in camera compatibility. Si-Tex even has it on some of their stand alone radar units.