Full Version: MacEnc and IPad
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I want to use Macenc on a Mac Mini converted to 12vDC with a waterproof screen in the navigation area and use the Ipad in a waterproof casing as a slave in the cockpit. Is this possible without buying seperate charts and software for the Ipad?
Also has anybody else done the conversion to 12vDC on the Mac Mini?
Regards Jan
Hi Jan,

Bob Etter (bobetter) posted an article on Panbo about 8 years ago so the info is dated:
Cockpit Mac Mini by Bob Etter

The Search on this forum and google yields many other links.

Splashtop 2 is one of several applications that can show the Mac screen on iPad.

Alternatively, you can use iNavX or Weather4d 2 on the iPad. Yes, additional charts are needed but they are usually less expensive than the Mac/PC versions.

Good Luck with your project,

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