Full Version: Problem connecting GPS/AIS
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Last season we had GPS Nav X working fine connected to our Garmin GPS.

This year we have had the NASA AIS engine fitted. I am having no joy in connecting the GPS/AIS to my iBook. When I try to connect the connect the GPS data, nothing happens. When I try and connect the AIS, I get the message "Cannot Open Port....".

I only have one serial cable going into a Keyspan High Speed USB converter. I did not fit the new AIS myself so I cannot (at this stage) provide any details on how the installation was actually done.

Any help appreciated.
You provide very little detail, but from what I can tell is you have a NASA AIS receiver connected to the Keyspan adapter. You have the Garmin GPS connected to the NASA AIS receiver.

In that configuration you would want to set GPSNavX or MacENC this way

GPS panel Settings drawer - Port: /dev/cu.KeySerial1, Rate: 38400, Type: Other

AIS panel Settings drawer - Check "Use GPS Port", otherwise you will get the error port cannot be opened because the GPS panel is all ready using that port.

We do not recommend running the GPS receiver through the NASA AIS receiver because it only passes one NMEA data sentence through ($GPGLL) so you will not get active waypoint, satellite, routes, etc from the Garmin.

Instead we recommend using two Keyspan adapters, one for the GPS and one for the AIS receiver and choosing their respective ports/rates in their Settings drawers or using a Multiplexer such as the ShipModul Miniplex-Lite and configuring as described at the top of this post.
GPSNavX Wrote:In that configuration you would want to set GPSNavX or MacENC this way

GPS panel Settings drawer - Port: /dev/cu.KeySerial1, Rate: 38400, Type: Other

AIS panel Settings drawer - Check "Use GPS Port", otherwise you will get the error port cannot be opened because the GPS panel is all ready using that port.
Thanks. I will give the settings you suggest a go.
That worked fine. Many thanks.