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I have used MacENC in several countries now and love the program. I am currently expanding the system to include an Argonaut waterproof monitor, NSI touchpad, radar, and AIS. My new Smart Radio SR161 AIS Receiver via Keyspan causes the reception button on MacENC to alternately flash green and yellow. A stream of data appears in the monitor window. Despite selecting to show underway and stationary, no targets plot. Can someone please suggest how to get this working? Thanks.

A friend had the same diifculties. So he recently brought his SR161 to the vendor (Stentec who imports the SR161 to EU and writes the drivers for Windows) at the HISWA Boatshow in the Netherlands.

After testing the SR161 with a Windows Laptop and Stentec's navigation software, the AIS receiver was working correctly.
The vendor told my friend that the keyspan cable would be the culprit.
On the other hand the vendor isn't happy with Mac and doesn't support Mac.

We still couldn't test it with another serial/USB cable.
OTOH I don't believe the keyspan cable as culprit, because other members here in the forum do use the same setup.

Any ideas?
A few things to get an AIS receiver up and running on your Mac. Make sure you have installed the Keyspan driver first (link below). If you have just the AIS connected to the Keyspan adapter you want to pick the port /dev/cu.KeySerial1 in the AIS panel Settings drawer (accessed via "Connect" on the "AIS/RADAR" menu). Set the rate to 38400. Uncheck "Use GPS Port". If AIS targets are present you will see them list in the AIS panel and you will see !AIVDM NMEA messages in the AIS panel Monitor drawer after pressing Start.

More help on AIS..