Full Version: Looking for an AIS Rcvr/Antenna for a laptop PCI slot.
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Anyone aware of any manufactures making an AIS Rcvr/Antenna that works in a laptop PCI slot? Would appreciate any and all information you might have on same.
CaptnMate Wrote:Anyone aware of any manufactures making an AIS Rcvr/Antenna that works in a laptop PCI slot? Would appreciate any and all information you might have on same.
Comar makes a nice AIS RX powered via USB. Don't know of any PCI devices. Go here:
and click on products, look at the AIS-2-USB.
Does anyone know if these products are usable with GpsNavX on Macs.
Yes GPSNavX supports AIS receivers. Serial models (such as the SR161) can interface either via a Keyspan highspeed serial adapter or a Shipmodul Miniplex Lite. USB models do work, but they do need an OS X driver. Most will work with the Prolific or FTDI OS X driver. Tested USB AIS receivers include the SeaCas models..