Full Version: Where to start?
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Hi all.
I have just discovered this great forum and only recently learned about MacENC and GMSNavX. Is there a general beginner's guide to these apps? I have been away from sailing for several years and the technology has changed dramatically and I want to catch up. I did a quick search here but didn't find a concise beginner's guide. Can someone help, please? Thanks in advance.
There's no beginners guide that I'm aware of.. However we're always happy to help.

If you've got experience of using marine navigation software, or even a hardware based chartplotter, you'll be familiar with most of the concepts you'll come across in MacENC or GPSNavX, such as routes, waypoints, etc.

However if you really are a paper and charts man, then I'd suggest an introductory course in computer navigation. I'm not sure where you're based, but here in the UK, the RYA (national yachting body) do some good introductory training. I'm sure it's the same for other countries.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Hi Jon
I am in California, having recently move here from London! I used to sail a lot on the Solent, but, as you say, I am an old fashioned compass and chart guy! But I take your point and will at least get a book on electronic navigation and that should give me a good start. Thanks for your help.
Mad Mariner has a great series on electronic navigation..

More Here

Both the GPSNavX and MacENC help is online here..

GPSNavX Help

MacENC Help

MacENC getting started guide

And we promptly answer email at gpsnavx at mac dot com

Great! Those links are really good and now I just have to put in the time to learn all about this new world of electronic navigation. Many thanks for your help. When I get some more specific questions I'll be back.