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Maptech has cut prices on its International Charts..

New Pricing

UK charts only US$149..
It appears not all the prices have been updated yet. So before buying check with Maptech that you are getting the best price (i.e. most charts for the $$$).

You get much larger coverage now for your money.


Maptech Charts UK Here...
The above DVD's work just fine with GPSNavX and MacENC.

I will be sailing off Turkey this summer and want to get the Mediterranean chart you are referring to in your previous post. I went to the MapTech site and downloaded a free example just to make sure it would work. The chart is some part of GB, its file name is MA0002S0_s.qct. Do I put it in my chart folder? How do I bring it up in GPSNavX or MacENC?
Must have been at the wrong site when I downloaded this. Now I see DVD called DVDRMED for the Mediterranean area. Is that OK for GPSNavX and MacENC?
All the Maptech BSB Charts DVDs work fine with GPSNavX and MacENC..

Click Here

ScanNav, the French dealer also has the new Maptech DVDs..