Full Version: Ocean Passage - San Francisco to Hawaii
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I will sail my boat from San Francisco to Hawaii, departing next Monday, July 9th, 2018

My preparation will be documented here as well as on my website:
and the Facebook page:

I will list the boat details, equipment list, preparation videos and navigation information. I am sailing exclusively with my Macbook Air, iPhone, iPad, and an Anroid tablet in addition to my Raymarine e125 MFD.

Keep a watch here as I add more information!

Fair winds,
Salty Russ
Look forward to hear how your trip went! Especially the Hawaii return trip. Heard it took you 4 months!
We arrived in Hawaii after 14 days at sea, several with low wind. I'm leaving Hawaii today to sail back to San Francisco with a visit to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to do some research and collect samples for NOAA, NASA, Smithsonian, University of Hawaii, and other research groups.

I will detail the transit upon my return.

Fair Winds!
Following my transit on:
You'll be missed! Have a safe voyage.