Full Version: MiniBatteryLogger
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I stumbled across an application called MiniBatteryLogger that provides reporting and analytics of your portable Mac's battery.

According to the blurb
Quote:Monitor local and remote batteries, collect and manage the graphs of charge, amperage and other power properties over time. Power events are notified with Growl alerts, logged with time and date.

Learn every detail of your batteries with the battery inspector. Save monitoring sessions to disk for later analysis and manage them from the sessions browser. Collect evidence to diagnose battery defects early.

Share battery data among users and compare your battery against the others. Monitor batteries of other computers running MBL, MiniBatteryStatus or the standalone battd daemon (included) over the network.

Could be useful for optimising your on-board setup...
Nice app, though I haven't figured out how to monitor a 'remote' battery, not that it's important to me. Now, if I just had a nice app like this to track my house banks!


PS - got it here: