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trying to import waypoints into GPSNavX and struggling

gets the first 2 in and then fails

they csv files is at

these are marks from my old plotter, A pile of wrecks off the coast here we fish over, and can't work out why it won't import them
I noticed that you have numeric decimal data at the end of each line instead of the waypoint description text and there is some wierdness (double quotes: ""N"" Aqua Star") after the Aquastar waypoint. Try editing this out first with TextEdit.
thats just a note of distance from the mooring, will get rid and see what gives, its there on all of them though and it takes the first 2??
Give that man a cigar!
by a process of elimination it was indeed the "N" before the 2nd aquastar

still didn't complete totally, lost about 8 in total, gonna go and work out which ones it left out and now

but much thanks! Cool Cool