I note that iNavX Studios are still selling MacENC, which infers they will support it awhile.
I have just obtained confirmation that they have someone working on a 64 bit version.
There have been some delays but the present ETA is end of February. Of course that could slip again.
iNavX Studios are also taking over the chart store aspects from Fugawi.
PS added 9 March 2019: see my comment of 9 March below
(February 6, 2019 05:59)antipole Wrote: [ -> ]I note that iNavX Studios are still selling MacENC, which infers they will support it awhile.
I have just obtained confirmation that they have someone working on a 64 bit version.
There have been some delays but the present ETA is end of February. Of course that could slip again.
iNavX Studios are also taking over the chart store aspects from Fugawi.
I too had a conversation over email with Jim from iNavX indicating the same. Keeping my fingers crossed!
By chance did they mention how the upgrade will be handles? Will they continue the free upgrades, or are the new owners going to begin charging for upgrades?
Sorry no he didn't. I was on MacENC.com yesterday...no changes or announcements. Waiting... fingers crossed.
I am of a pre-IT generation but nevertheless have enjoyed using MacENC in conjunction with Australian Hydrographic Office charts for several years. Recently I had to have my MacBook Air reconfigured because of malware. Now when I try to get into MacENC I get a message to contact macenc for an Activation Code. I have tried numerous times to contact macenc with no reply at all. My MacBook runs Mojave. I have wondered whether MacENC still exists, whether it doesn't support Mojave, or what!? As a newcomer to this forum I apologise if the context for this post is out of line, but would love some insight. With thanks.
Welcome to the Forum, Christian,
The latest version of MacENC (8.75) does open vector (ENC) charts under Mojave but cannot open raster charts. Furthermore, this version is 32-bit based code that will not run on future updates to macOS. So we are awaiting news from the developer (iNavX) about an upgrade. You probably need an activation code with this version to access your existing ENC charts. My recommendation is to either wait and see if the developer comes through for us or switch to another application that suits your needs.
Thank you Jade, and Jim with whom I had an email exchange. I am at the stage where MacENC is giving me the gridline chart locations, or as an overlay on the world base map, with the appropriate chart numbers/names - but no cartography. The charts I have on my MacBook Air are up to date vector S-63 from Australian Hydrographic Office.
Christian... you seem to have MacENC running, so it is not a MacENC activation code you need.
ENC charts need a 'permit' to use them. Most are chargeable, with the notable exception of the USA charts. Sounds like you need to get/buy a permit for your charts.
Just got an update from NavX - not good news.
The developer who was to do the work has backed out, citing it was too much work for him.
It is back to NavX management to think again. ☹️
Definitely disappointing news. Thanks for the update nonetheless, Antipole
just sent a message of support to macenc . . . been using their program since 2006≈ . . .seems as though free upgrades may not have been the best business model.
may have to put off migrating to 10.14 . . .
oh well
Thanks antipole. I have everything lined up including chart permits in 'PRODUCTS.TXT'. I have the Catalog and Chart Folders loaded on Chart Manager, but when I click on 'Add Permits' in 'PRODUCTS.TXT' I get 'Import Incomplete', and I can't find a way to go any further. My Android tablet with Navionics is a picnic compared to this!
I have just learnt from AHO that the Products.Txt is not the chart permits folder - these are sent per fortnight with chart updates, so please ignore my previous post.
Does all this NavX trouble have dire implications for MacENC?
Thanks antipode, Jade and Jim.