Full Version: Autosave waypoints and routes in MacENC
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I love using MacENC for passage planning. I regularly create dozens of waypoints and include them in routes.  Sadly, there is no auto-save of waypoints and routes.  I have lost count of the number of times I have forgotten to save my work and lost it.  Earlier this week I spent a day planning passages for the coming season and forgot to save. Overnight my Mac locked up somehow and I lost it all.

So I have now created a AppleScript to perform saves of the Waypoints and Routes data.

MacENC is scriptable.  (My ship’s log (using FileMaker) collects position, course, speed, wind etc. from MacENC as required.)  However, saving the waypoints and routes is not a scriptable function and I have had to resort to ‘typing’ at MacENC from the script. It is not perfect but it works for me.

Using the system

You can launch MacENC with autosave, which will launch MacENC if not already active.

Every five minutes, the Save Waypoints and Save Routes command will be typed into MacENC.

If there is nothing to save, these commands are deactivated and you will hear a dull Dou! sound.  That cannot be helped - ignore it.

If you want to stop autosaving, just quit the MacENC with autosave program.  If you quit MacENC leaving MacENC with autosave running, that is fine - it will do no harm.

You can download the kit from here.  Unzip the file and find the READ ME instructions within.

My you lose no more work!